

The code repository is hosted on Github, testing, bug reports and contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated. Feel free to fork it and submit your PRs against the develop branch.

Development setup

The recommended development environment is based on conda.

First, clone the repository locally. You can use the following command:

git clone --branch develop

Next, enter your git repository and run the following commands:

make conda-env-update
conda activate earthkit-meteo
make setup
pip install -e .

This will create a new conda environment called “earthkit-meteo” with all the dependencies installed into it. This setup enables the pre-commit hooks, performing a series of quality control checks on every commit. If any of these checks fails the commit will be rejected.

Run unit tests

To run the test suite, you can use the following command:


Build documentation

To build the documentation locally, please install the Python dependencies first:

cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html

To see the generated HTML documentation open the docs/_build/html/index.html file in your browser.